Spring Planting

We closed on the farm at the end of May 2018 and spent the summer and fall cleaning up and clearing out so that we could see what needed the most attention first. A lot of structural work was done on the big barn, the equipment barn, the house and the blacksmith shop. We cleared the overgrowth around the shop, the house, cistern hill, the greenhouse, and behind the big barn. In the late fall we needed a place to store Heron Pond Farm’s brussels sprout harvest, so we cleaned out the old root cellar under the Bakie barn and were able to get the entire harvest gathered, prepped, delivered and tucked away. It was a monumental effort. Finally, in the summer we planted the near and far fields with forage oats, which we then plowed under in the Fall and replanted with winter rye, which is just starting to come up now. Josh Jennings of Meadows Mirth Farm has the greenhouse full and is planting the far field with greens now. Spring has come to Bakie!